Friday, April 5, 2013

Chapter 23

Hello my dearest friends!

Today we will be discussing themes from chapter 23 which is entitled Crucibles and Healings: Illness, Loss, Death, and Bereavement.

This quote comes from pages 239-240

        “In many ways, the principle of opposition is an important part of the crucible experience. Many of life’s experiences are oppositional in nature and involve learning through contrast and comparison…” later they go on to say “Scholars in family and health sciences have explored the oppositions and paradoxes of illness experiences, noting the emotional roller-coaster ride that is both draining and empowering.”(McDaniel, Hepworth, Doherty, 1997, p. 3).”

        I myself have gone through many crucibles in my family as the years have progressed. The first one I recall comes from my childhood. I was 5 years old and my beloved grandfather passed away in a hospital bed in the room next to mine from cancer. I remember that time very well. I remember my mother talking on the phone a lot and making lots of arrangements. I know it was a very difficult time, but it drew us closer.

        There have been many difficult times that have happened over the years. My mother has a heart condition and so I was very familiar with calling 911 from a young age. My mother’s illness allowed for me to see the priesthood administered and my testimony grew as I watched her deal with the challenges her poor health presented her.

        Most recently my parent’s divorce occurred, and then the loss of my treasured home that I had found as a 15 year old girl. The opposition in our life allows us to grow into stronger and more empathetic people if we allow it to. Though it has not been so easy to cope with their loss as I begin my own marriage, I know that it is helping me live in reality and helping me value the  delicate relationships that I currently have.

       This chapter talks about coping with the suffering and pain that occurs within families. All families will have difficulties, all people will lose someone or something dear to them. The ultimate good that trials can afford us, is knowledge and refined characteristics.
What trials have you faced in your family?

       How have you seen another person or family cope well with loss, death, or illness?
What blessings have you seen from hardships you or someone else you know has had to face?

Aunt Julee (me) with my darling niece and nephew

       I want to express my gratitude for the Savior Jesus Christ who took on my burdens to help them be lighter. I know He loves us and will help us through all hardships we are called to face. In the Book of Mormon, in Alma chapter 7:11 which says:  “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.” ( Click here to see more)

      I know he knows me, loves me, and has helped me to overcome the very dark and lonely times throughout my life and I know he will help you.  As we each go through hardships, try to keep in mind it won’t be forever. You are loved! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm reminded of how Joseph Smith asked the Lord "Where art thou? How long shall thy hand be stayed? How long shall thine eye behold from the heavens the suffering of thy saints?"
    God's response to him was "My son, peace be unto thy soul. Thine adversity and thy afflictions shall be but a small moment; and if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high. If fierce winds become thine enemy, and all the elements combine to hedge up the way, and above all, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good."

    God is mindful of us. He knew Joseph's trials would make him stronger, He knew the trials of the saints would make them stronger. (Why do you think He organized Zion's Camp? To purify the souls of His future leaders. The entirety of the first Quorum of Twelve Apostles was selected from those who went through that experience.)
    And this is no less true today. The witness comes AFTER the trial of our faith. We become closer as families through our trials, if we bear up strongly and allow them to change us into the people the Lord wants us to be.
    I remember being 10 or 11 years old, left in charge of the house while Mom and Dad went somewhere. They were very late getting home, and I was worried. (This was before cellular telephones.) So I gathered my younger sisters, who were also concerned about our parents' tardiness, and we prayed for their safe return. As the prayer finished, we heard the car turn into the drive. It was a small thing, but it helped my sisters and me grow closer.
